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Laser Rejuvenation

“The world’s first all-in-one Picosecond + Nanosecond + 2 Wavelengths high-powered platform”.

Unlike vascular conditions that need a longer pulse duration for the energy to be absorbed and coagulate the vessel, pigment particles are much denser, smaller and can be extremely problematic when they are damaged by heat. With a higher peak power and much shorter pulse duration, enlighten offers a strong, non-thermal,
photo mechanical effect that shatters the targeted pigment without causing thermal damage to the tissue that surrounds it.

What is PICO Genesis?

PICO Genesis is the latest aesthetic treatment to improve and maintain your skin’s natural glow. Eliminate unwanted freckles, sun spots, and uneven skin tone to reveal a lighter, brighter, and more even appearance in a series of two to three treatments.

How does the treatment work?

PICO Genesis uses gentle non-thermal pulses of laser light to target unwanted pigment and remodel the upper layers of the skin. Over time, the pigmentation will gradually disappear, enhancing your natural glow.

What areas can be treated?

PICO Genesis treatments are ideal for the face, hands and other areas of the body with noticeable signs of sun damage and uneven skin tone.

What can I expect during a treatment?

As laser energy is delivered to the skin, you’ll feel a sensation that patients often compare to an electric rain. While most patients do not find the treatment uncomfortable, we may apply a topical anaesthetic to enhance your experience.

What are the possible side effects?

Most patients experience mild redness immediately following the treatment. These side effects are temporary and typically resolve within 24 hours. Over the course of a few days, the treated sun spots and freckles will become darker and flake off as they heal, revealing a new, glowing complexion. However, in the case of melasma or uneven skin tone the pigment is slowly reabsorbed revealing more even tone.

How many treatments are required?

A series of two to three PICO Genesis treatments is recommended to achieve an optimal outcome. Ongoing maintenance treatments are encouraged to sustain results over time. One of our nurses will discuss a treatment plan during your consultation.

Is PICO Genesis right for me?

If you have unwanted pigment or uneven skin tone, then PICO Genesis may be a great treatment option for you. To learn more about the PICO Genesis treatment just make an appointment for a free consultation with one of our nurses.

What is PICO Genesis FX?

PICO Genesis FX is a skin revitalisation treatment designed to address skin imperfections and combat the signs of aging. From textural concerns to acne scarring and pigmentation PICO Genesis FX offers a safe and effective treatment to restore your skin’s youthful appearance.

How does the treatment work?

PICO Genesis FX delivers ultra-short fractionated laser energy to create small, gentle micro-wounds in the upper layers of the skin to induce collagen stimulation and remodelling. With fractionated energy, the majority of the skin remains unharmed, resulting in faster healing time. With PICO Genesis FX, results can be achieved with a higher safety margin and less downtime than traditional fractional resurfacing treatments.

What can I expect during a treatment?

Most patients describe the treatment as feeling like a series of quick, rubber band snaps. However, we usually apply a topical numbing cream to make you more comfortable during the treatment. The treatment takes approximately 20 mins for a full- face treatment.

What areas can be treated?

PICO Genesis FX treatments are ideal for the face, neck and other areas of the body with noticeable signs of aging, scarring, and textural imperfections.

How many treatments are required?

The number of recommended treatments will vary based on the concern being treated. While some patients will see results after a single treatment, most need a series of two to three treatments for best results. Results will continue to improve over time with best results seen at about 3 months following your final treatment.

What are the possible side effects? Is there downtime?

Following the PICO Genesis FX treatment, your skin will be red for several hours to days depending on the settings used. This can be covered with makeup. Over the next few days, your skin will begin the remodelling and repair process, and you may see some darkening of pigment and slight crusting of the treatment area. Some patients experience a “Hives” response. This is easily remedied with an antihistamine We will recommend a plan tailored to your skin concerns and treatment expectations.

Is PICO Genesis FX right for me?

PICO Genesis FX treatments are ideal for patients of all skin types who are seeking improvement in aging skin, acne scarring and skin tone irregularities with minimal downtime. To learn more, book in for a free consultation with one of our laser technician today.